
Kettle Creek Popcorn is the perfect fundraising opportunity for churches, youth groups, mission trips, schools, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, sports teams, and many more charitable and non-profit organizations.

- Awesome way to raise money for your nonprofit organization
- Great flavor leaves a memorable impression on your customer
- Fun, quick, and easy to sell
- Special rates provide good margins and flexible pricing
- You’ll get reorders before your Fundraiser ends
- Light weight if you need to ship - Several flavors and sizes if you wish
- Order forms available
- Two methods for Fundraising to choose from:

1. Pay for product and sell from your inventory, getting your money at time of sale & delivery.
2. Take orders and deliver popcorn later. You’ll have no inventory, but a second trip to the customer.

Call us at 913-710-8195 or email